Treasure Chest September 2015: Pokemon’s Evolution, Fathers in Gaming and God At Conventions

Last updated on October 8, 2015

It’s been a pretty long month for me, and I’m doing my best to catch up with all the writing I enjoy doing. I write a bi-weekly post on Beneath The Tangles and three articles for Geeks Under Grace a month, so that’s five every 30 days. It doesn’t sound like much, but include all the research, searching for images, editing and sharing posts on social media it becomes a lot of work. I’m considering doing less, but so far I have it under control. I prefer writing on the weekends or my free time, and it does help me relax.

This month I’ve dug out some fantastic treasure chest entries throughout the various blogs and sites I visit. We have my very own interview with Oswaldo Pinto, who owns the only Spanish Christian/anime radio station online, and there’s also a couple articles on Pokemon. If you haven’t heard about Pokemon GO, then you need to watch this, as well!


There’s also a great article on fatherhood and gaming, discussions on the new Metal Gear Solid V’s story, while a classic RPG gets a review from Geeks Under Grace. I enjoy finding so many posts each month that reflect a biblical worldview in geek, anime and gaming. I hope you all enjoy this, and let me know what you thought of this month’s treasure.





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*Let me know what you think of this, and if you enjoy this column in any way. Feedback truly helps me grow as a blogger 🙂

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Michael Morejon Written by:

Michael was born in Brooklyn, NYC and raised in Miami, FL. He gave his life to Christ at 17 at a Bible study in his high school, and has never looked back. He was radically transformed by having a relationship with Jesus Christ. A big fan of video games, anime/manga, and other various geek-related pursuits, you can find him at Gaming and God (his blog), Geeks Under Grace and Beneath the Tangles.