TG News: Doom’s 20th, Youtube Crackdown, and Smash Bros

1. Doom Turns 20!


John Romero played through the game on co-op with Ryan McCaffery from IGN as they reminisced about what still makes the granddaddy of all FPS games so great. If you always wondered what the big deal was about the game, maybe start this Youtube video up in the background and listen to it like a Podcast. Since it’s Romero behind the video, Youtube hopefully won’t toss it into Copyright Purgatory…

2. Youtube Copyright Crackdown

Thousands of videogame videos on Youtube fell from the face of the internet as Youtube realized that “it needed to start acting like a real parent, instead of letting you kids do whatever you want.”

3. GoG Offers Money-back Guarantee

Now that Good Old Games offers your money back if your computer can’t run a game you buy, they’ve got a huge advantage over Steam, who just sits, looks at you, and calls you an idiot behind your back when you tell them your PC can’t play their games.

4. Smash Bros Brawl Turns Into “A Real Fighting Game”

A bunch of modders made a better Smash Bros Brawl than Nintendo did. Project M Version 3 adds new moves, players and a ton of detail so that you can now own others with Yoshi in tournaments. Even better, it’s free and only requires an SD card, a Wii, and your existing copy of Smash Brawl. Just follow these instructions.

5. Smash-Bros-like, Samurai Gunn Releases on Steam

One sword, three bullets, and one life. That’s all it takes to sell a four-man smash-like. Grab this on Steam if you’ve got the Gunns (controllers and/or friends).

That’s It

Watch a lot of game stuff on Youtube? Did the crackdown affect you?

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M. Joshua Cauller Written by:

M. Joshua is a missionary to his basement — where he leads a videogames-and-spiritaul-formation group called GameCell. He makes indie game trailers by day, which you can see at You can also follow him on Twitter.