Tag: Metroid
How much should someone’s preconceptions of a particular franchise and its media decide its critical status? If anything, this is the primary question of Metroid: Other M. To call fan reaction to this experimental joint anything but “mixed” certainly expresses something on the part of the speaker rather than the game.
NOTE: This game is strange, weird, difficult, and the aesthetic probably turns lots of people off right from the start. As such, only Zachery Oliver will participate in this particular review.
Bunny Must Die: Chelsea and the 7 Devils defines the “cult” classic. Originally conceived and released by Japanese indie group (read: one guy) Platine Dispositif, it finally found release in the West by localization group Rockin’ Android sometime in 2012. By the time I got my hands on this little gem of a game, Bunny Must Die appeared on Steam and endeared itself to my sensibilities immediately. That is, it present a huge challenge and makes me incredibly angry at a stupid video game.