Tag: God of War

May 1, 2014 / / Essays

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow certainly looks like a game I would enjoy. Konami’s newer “reboot” (who knows how long that’ll last) contains varied environments, lots of different enemies, crazy boss fights, and a pretty well-designed combat system with all the accouterments you’d expect. MercurySteam strives for a completely linear experience without making it feel like you’re on rails, and I appreciate that approach. Still, I found myself relatively bored with it when booting the game last time. I’m really trying here!

April 22, 2014 / / Essays

Regarding Aztez, I’m incredibly angry. No, not about the game – it’s clearly magnificent and deserving of your time. Rather, I’m disappointed that I could not find Team Colorblind’s booth until ten minutes before the Expo Hall closed. There can be no greater pain than to miss out on the game that you specifically searched high and low to find, only to completely miss it. There’s nothing more frustrating than that!

February 12, 2014 / / Essays


I did not realize the impact music and cutscenes actually provide to most video games – this works with or without story. They fit, of course, within the entirety of a game’s aesthetic appeal, but they also continue further from the events happening within the game. Recently, I’ve attended many “video game concerts” where music from games appears, rearranged to fit the confines of an orchestra (or symphonic metal band, as in the case of the Video Game Orchestra). In most cases, I’m surrounded with self-proclaimed “fans” of the games. They discuss the setlist, they gasp when songs the conductor announces the next song (I didn’t even know the Final Fantasy XIII battle theme was actually called “Blinded by Light”), they cry as the current piece hits them emotionally. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say we were in a charismatic church, but we’re at a video game concert!


January 9, 2014 / / Reviews