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Podcast #85 - Emotion!?


Let's talk about emotions! Or, more specifically, analyzing them correctly and acting on them in the right way.

Topics include Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil lore (which we probably got wrong), Stealth Inc. 2, Shadownrun: Dragonfall, Metro: Last Light, Rare Replay, Buck Bumble, Donkey Kong 64, emotional health, Tembo The Badass Elephant, Audio Adrenaline, Newsboys, Carmen, cicadas, work/life balance, stress, selfishness, Hearthstone, Darkest Dungeon, Whiplash, JK Simmons, The Book of Job, purgatory, The Divine Comedy, control, Doubting Thomas, Samson, and underwear color.

Categories | Christianity


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 60.32MB - Duration: 1:05:53 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

New episode in the works, folks! Just figuring out who's actually going to be on it...