Video games, even in their short life span, influenced lots of entertainment media in positive, and negative, ways. Or they didn't really try to adapt video games at all, ending up with horrible, cheap imitation stuff. Do we enjoy them for real, ironically, or not? Let's take a look at it with Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel and Nathan Marchand, nerd writer! Lots of nerds on this one!
Topics include Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Prince of Persia, Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, The Megas, The Protomen, Overclocked Remix, chiptunes, Mega Man, Heroclix, StarCraft. Space Alert, Cataclysm, Golem Arcana, Unlimited SAGA, Defiance, Web Series, Halo, Sonic the Hedgehog, Clue, Battleship, and Christianity+ nerd media!