Zach, Jonathan Clauson, Eric Anderson, Andrew Crawford and fashionably late Guidance Counselor Pastor Person Michael Jones talk about identity! Also Josh Cauller gets name-dropped a few times for some reason!
Much talk about Acts 11, discipleship, narratives, being a gamer versus being a Christian, worship, Tim Keller, control, Star Wars Expanded Universe, KOTOR, role-playing versus escape, Tolkien's On Fairy Stories, Spec Ops: The Line, Wrex, Munchkins and a whole lot of fun tabletop RPGs, Dr. Who, the acceptance of the gaming community, intent, the difference between actions and identity, idolatry, games are art, Sneak King is art, and a whole lot of "what are we playing?" right at the tail end (Dragon's Dogma, Marvel: Avenger's Alliance, Souls games), and our "Identity Game" Recommendations! Listen in to find out!