Theology Gaming Posts

December 16, 2013 / / Monday Update

Bunny-Must-Die-613x225Bunny Must Die: Chelsea and the 7 Devils – Saying that this is one of the strangest games that I’ve ever played would probably constitutes an understatement. I would say that I played a wide variety of strange games, but I took a liking to this rather old cult classic immediately.

December 15, 2013 / / After Church

Note: This was originally a speech given at my high school. As valedictorian, they allowed me to give a speech, and as a Christian school, I had free reign to say what I wanted. What else could I talk about but theology, right? Considering I wrote this when I was eighteen, this seems spookily accurate eight years later.

December 13, 2013 / / Essays

NOTE: This article was originally published on GameChurch. It is solely the author’s intention to re-publish it on Theology Gaming for compilation purposes.

“Remember when he told Abraham to sacrifice his son?” the child asked the crucified Jesus. “Abraham was just about to kill the boy with his knife when God stopped him. So, if he saved Abraham’s son, don’t you think he’d want to save his own?”

If you have seen Martin Scorsese’s film, The Last Temptation of Christ, you would remember its iconic moment when Satan, masquerading as the youthful guardian angel, successfully deceived Jesus away from accomplishing his work on the cross. Though wounded, the Savior was literally saved from his death and continued on with his life, leaving mankind deprived of the salvation that God had planned to bestow unto the lost.