Theology Gaming Posts

February 17, 2014 / / Monday Update

The Iliad – One of the great works of human civilization, and one of its oldest, Homer’s epic poem tells the classic tale of the Trojan War – at least the end of it. This ten year siege captured the imagination of generations specifically through that much-discussed horse trick (you know the one, please tell me you do), but the Iliad’s more concerned with the people involved than any one specific event.

February 14, 2014 / / Essays

But now, thus says the Lord, your Creator, O Jacob,
And He who formed you, O Israel,
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name; you are Mine!

Isaiah 43:1

You never, ever see such dedication to brand loyalty as you do in video games. For better or worse, people associate themselves with “fandoms”, groups of people gathering around a piece of pop culture media that they particularly enjoy. Constantly will they complain about the quality of further entries into their favorite franchises, given praise where praise is due and even when such adoration isn’t warranted.

February 13, 2014 / / Essays


Evil is real. If there’s one part of Christianity that truly, utterly, stands out from many of the other faiths, that definitive three words statement sums up a great deal of the whole Christian faith. Our response to that reality inspires or denies the existence or nonexistence of the Creator, whether we believe that evil exists as an ontological status of being or merely non-preferential actions.