Theology Gaming Posts

February 21, 2014 / / Reviews

Since the game’s rated Mature and the rather constant language/vulgarity will definitely come up, the Intended Audience for the game consists of adults familiar with the 1980s and also willing to laugh at offensive things while shooting lasers. Fair warning! Also, sex scene! Just for demonstration purposes (NSFW language ahead):

February 19, 2014 / / Essays

My current predilection towards fighting games makes these essays about competition and competitive gaming inevitable. Since I am still playing King of Fighters XIII, also being rather miserable at it, I figure I can give a few tips to those aspiring to basic competency. Or, at least, display the accumulated wealth of information that I can convey. To employ one of the most over-used Scripture verses…well, ever:

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;  so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

My words obviously don’t carry the same weight, but I would hope the influence of Scripture comes through whatever I write. Even about fighting games. I think I can get a pass for using 2 Timothy 3:16-17 in that context.