Tag: The Fifth Estate

March 17, 2014 / / Monday Update

The Fifth Estate – From a standpoint of purely objective analysis, the story of WikiLeaks remains a fascinating window into the advent of the Internet – or, as I like to call it, “The New Wild West”. A lawless place owned by no nation-state or particular group, world governments try their best to regulate it every day and fail miserably. Information flows freely and without distortion, for both good (in the case of peaceful revolutionary movements) and bad (releasing the names of undercover agents throughout the world). If it weren’t for Julian Assange and his associates, we wouldn’t know how much power the World Wide Web holds. People can leak documents without ever being seen or discovered as a whistleblower, unless they reveal themselves. If solely for that, we should be thankful.

It’s also the only thing that lets me run a website about Christianity and video games, coincidentally. That’s a story for another day, however…