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Podcast #80 - Praying FAST


The title is intentionally ironic, if you were curious. This was something of a disaster in the recording department, and it's for our first theology-heavy podcast in a while. Hear Cody, Justin, Ted, and myself talk a whole lot about a ton of topics (but especially Justin talking about his new theological ideas).

Topics include multiple universes, aliens,  naturalism, supernatural, cessationism, continuationism, eschatology, preterism, charismatic theology, Nero, the Mark of the Beast, prophecy, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, Star of Wormwood, resurrection of the dead, Pharisees, Sadducees, Bo Jackson, Frozen, Dante's Inferno, perception, visions, hallucinations, tongues, the Church, spiritual gifts, praying fast, Pentecost, snake handling, and Chris Avellone.



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 70.22MB - Duration: 1:16:42 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

New episode in the works, folks! Just figuring out who's actually going to be on it...