Happy Thanksgiving! Have Some Theology Gaming News!

Happy Thanksgiving! Why are you reading this instead of spending time with your family? Go spend time with them and come read this when you’re done.

New Super Mario Bros: The Movie

Disappointed with the Super Mario Bros Film (1993) because it wasn’t gritty and depressing enough? Screenwriter, Evan Daugherty, has your 1-up-mushroom smoothie solution with this short film series, THE FOUR PLAYERS. Each film steps you through the dark and depressing reality of Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Princess. Now we can forget about John Leguizamo as Mario’s brother and remember him instead as a Jesse-Pinkman-like creepazoid. Huzzah!

Kickstart the Christian Videogame, Heroes of Issachar

So hey, there’s a new Christian videogame showing up on Kickstarter. Despite the name, you don’t play as an ancient Jew from the tribe of Issachar. Instead, take control of a Gentile mercenary dude who defends and builds castles. Along the way, he’ll find some scraps from the Bible and learn that Jesus said stabbing people for money is wrong. Honestly, I’m a little disappointed that this isn’t an ancient Jewish Skyrim. Seriously, my Levitical Priest would have shown those Canaanites what’s up.

Blizzard Director ‘Blitzed’ By Feminist Questions About MOBAs


The gaming side of the internet spun into a tornado after Rock Paper Shotgun reporter, Nathan Grayson asked Blizzard’s Dustin Browder about the hypersexualization of women in MOBAs and the interview was promptly shut down. Grason offered another piece explaining his take on all of it. At the same time, others felt that Grason ambushed Browder with such a question. As you may know, the subject of feminism in games is a tense subject among the Theology Gaming contributors. For a great explanation on where we’re all coming from, be sure to check out our podcast on the subject.

The Sandy Hook Murderer’s Favorite Game Was Dance Dance Revolution


After the horrible events of Sandy Hook Elementary last year, reports came out that the murderer liked videogames and the mainstream news media went ballistic with finger pointing. Now that we have discovered that Adam Lanza spent 4-10 hours a day on weekends playing a dancing game, nobody knows what to say except Kotaku.

The Brazilian Bundle with Metal Demon Solid: Jackal Hunter

Like Metal Gear Solid? How do you feel about playing a stealth game as a demon? If that doesn’t make you want to throw up, consider paying five bucks for every game in this Brazillian games bundle just to get the MGS-like, Qasir Al-Wasat. If that Arabic name sounds like “Fdkljfadsfjljdsaf” in your head, just rename it “Metal Demon Solid: Jackal Hunter.” Magicka, Dungeonland, Showdown Effect, and Heroes of Pen and Paper are pretty good too. Also, definitely try Out There Somewhere. That game’s teleport-gun platforming is like WHOA.

That’s It

So what were/are your plans for Thanksgiving break? Play anything good?

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M. Joshua Cauller Written by:

M. Joshua is a missionary to his basement — where he leads a videogames-and-spiritaul-formation group called GameCell. He makes indie game trailers by day, which you can see at mjoshua.com. You can also follow him on Twitter.