Get Your Dec. 6 Theology Gaming News Here!

Here’s some recent news to feed your curiosity:

1. Wii U Lifetime Sales Trumped By PS4 in 48 Hours

wiiu< Wired had a lot of interesting things to say about how the Wii U’s super under-performing sales might be a sign of Nintendo’s ultimate downfall. Personally, I keep holding out Super Smash Bros on Wii U…

2. Lilly Looking Through Made By Christians?

Lilly Looking Through grabbed honorable mentions among fans of point-and-click adventures and Myst lovers alike. According to our source, many of the developers (Geeta Games) love Jesus and go to the same church in Michigan. While none of that causes Lilly Looking Through to be considered a “Christian Game (TM),” it might make it worth downloading the demo and checking it out right now.

3. Humble Jumbo Bundle Offers Unique Online Multiplayer Games

Just when you thought that Humble Bundle already provided every game you ever wanted, this bundle opened up with eight neat-o online multiplayer games including Sanctum 2, Orcs Must Die 2, Serious Sam 3, Natural Selection 2, Gary’s Mod, and Magicka (with a crap-ton of its expansions).

4. Traverse Ancient Grecian Artwork in Apotheon (Coming Soon)

Hedonistic as they may have been, without the Ancient Greeks, Paul wouldn’t have had a common language to share the Gospel with. If you felt a desire to see how messy the Helenistic worldview got (and you’re done with that Kratos guy), check out Alientrap Games’ Apotheon. No release date at this time, but the advent of pre-orders seem to imply “very soon.”

5. Steamworld Dig, of 3DS fame, Out Now on Steam

Steamworld Dig is a really honking good game. Previously a 3DS-exclusive, it just came out on Steam this week for PC, Mac, and Linux (for a limited time price of $7.99).

That’s It

That seems to kick off the first week of December well enough. Whoa, December already? What are you hoping to get for Christmas?

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M. Joshua Cauller Written by:

M. Joshua is a missionary to his basement — where he leads a videogames-and-spiritaul-formation group called GameCell. He makes indie game trailers by day, which you can see at You can also follow him on Twitter.